Article Written By: Jessica Corbin
Let’s play a game. Raise a finger if you have gone grocery shopping tired and hungry and forgot the most needed item. Raise a finger if you have worn leggings for more than 2 days in a row. Raise a finger if you are behind on your hair care. Raise a finger if you have left your child’s cup or another item behind. Raise a finger if you have put your clothes on backward. Raise a finger if you finished putting away the laundry just in time to wash the next week’s load. Raise a finger if you have put off personal care appointments for yourself.
If you raised more than one finger, you need a self-care routine
Self-care is more than salon or spa days; self-care can be any activity that makes you feel nourished and refreshed. Creating a self-care routine helps to revive your body and soul throughout the week. Instead of waiting for one appointment, you can create self-care moments throughout your day. Essential self-care for moms should include rest, nutrition, movement, and skincare.
While 8 hours of sleep may seem like a far-off luxury to moms of young ones, rest can be achieved. Research shows there are seven types of rest needed to actually feel refreshed: physical, mental, social, creative, emotional, spiritual, and sensory. Try Keeping to a routine that allows you and your little ones to get the most sleep possible. Engage in social rest by taking breaks from your phone. Create mindful moments throughout your day by reading a book, making a cup of tea or coffee, or even washing the dishes. Playing and laughing with your child can also be a source of respite. A self-care moment can be created by reading while your child naps or plays, or mindfully having tea with breakfast.
No matter what happened at dinner, mom, you deserve to finish your plate with the option of a second plate. I’ve been there, your family is enjoying a nice home-cooked meal, you spent time preparing and your toddler decides after two bites to turn over his entire plate. I usually attempt to salvage what I can and lose my appetite, only to find it again around midnight. Let’s be honest, meal preparation is a full-time job and can become an exhausting task. For some, however, the art of cooking can be relaxing. However you feel about meal preparation, eating nutritious meals and snacks throughout the day fortifies your body to keep up with the demands of motherhood. Delegate; try a meal or grocery delivery service to assist with the meal prep. A grocery delivery service can be tailored to your diet and can help you find new healthy snacks. Eating a balanced diet also makes for better sleep. Don’t forget to Take vitamins and supplements and drink plenty of water. Self-care moment: prepare a meal or snack just for you each day, that tastes good and makes you feel good. Savor the moments eating it and pat yourself on the back for a meal well done.
Incorporate movement in your routines by walking, dancing, regular exercise or just playing with your kids. I get it, you’re on your feet all day and you have the Fitbit steps to prove it but make that movement intentional. According to the CDC, moms should aim for 30 minutes a day of moderate, aerobic activity. Actually play, with your kids, get down on the floor and move like a toddler and laugh at the silliest things. Make a habit of stretching every day, either in the morning or evening. Your child will think it’s a game and stretching is a great way to get your body alert for the day. Your body will thank you for it. Self-care moment: Take a walk alone or with your kids, breathe in the fresh air, and feel the sun on your face.
Take care of your face, for most of us, it’s the only one we will have. Whether you begin most days with a full face of makeup or simply end the day with some sticky substance on your face, daily skin care is key. For the tired and sleep-deprived, we have become familiar with bags under our eyes, but a good skincare regime can make those tired eyes look bright even on your worst days. Cleansing your face daily literally saves your face from aging. No matter how tired I am, I make a point to at the very least cleanse and moisturize my face twice a day. My morning and evening skincare routine is a signal to my body to either wake up or wind down. Those few minutes I spend in the mirror twice a day help to ground me at the moment. Self-care moment: Make a commitment to accomplishing your skincare ritual every day and let that be non-negotiable for you.
Moms, make a habit of prioritizing your own Wellness just as much as you do for your child. Your children need a mom that is operating from a place of wholeness so they too can thrive. Self-care is taking care of your body and mind to fuel your soul. So, schedule those appointments and carve out time for yourself, it will make you a better version of yourself. At M.O.O. we advocate for moms living their best life and that includes taking the best care of themselves. This is your signed permission slip to prioritize your own wellness and care. So, schedule those appointments and carve out time for yourself because you deserve it.